
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Facebook Timeline Hack Template (update)

Adaptation of Facebook Timeline cover and avatar with a Template

For Facebook, there are already some so-called hacks: Album hack, profile hack and now there is the Timeline hack...

With these "hacks" you change look of your Facebook profiles/pages/etc by individual images that are seen in the whole as a single image.
Facebook Timeline Information Site
Therefore I created a Photoshop template, which allows you a quick and simple preparation.

The dimensions of the Timeline header image is 851 x 314 pixels (wxh) and the avatar image 180x180 pixels, but is reduced from Facebook automatically to 125x125 160x160 pixels.


Timeline Hack Step by Step

  • After the download unzip the file and open fb_timeline_template.psd
  • In the layers folder "personalization" do your personalisation
  • Then hide the layer "overlay" and create two separate pictures (use the guides or the layers "avatar" and "header" for the sizes of the pictures) - you dont need this step if you use the supplied action set!
  • Upload them and choose it as avatar and title picture.
  • Done!

Update Facebook Timeline Template v1.1

rafomac. has send me a revised version. Thank you rafomac!
Now its bigger to avoid facebook errors with the files and I added a Photoshop action (double-click on the Facebook_timeline_hack.atn Photoshop action to add) In the action pallet you can run the action and it automatically creates the two needed pictures for you.

Update Facebook Timeline Template v1.2

I have reworked the template and the photoshop action

Update Facebook Timeline Template v1.3

Facebook changed the size to 160x160 pixel and position of the avatar a bit (bigger like the google+ profile picture ;)
You must use the new action which is packed in the .zip file so the files will be created correctly


Video Tutorial: Howto hack your facebook timeline with personalized pictures

because ob big request, here a tutorial video "how to use the template"


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